

Optimization of Hydrogen Supercritical Oxy-Combustion in Gas Turbines

This study investigates the combustion of hydrogen in supercritical gas turbines, emphasizing the optimization of combustor design through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Key parameters analysed include the number of oxygen inlets, operating pressure, excess working fluid in oxygen inlets, power output, and the use of different working fluids: supercritical argon (sAr) and supercritical xenon (sXe). The results highlight how these parameters influence temperature distribution, flame stability, and overall combustion efficiency. Findings suggest that increasing the number of oxygen inlets can significantly affect temperature profiles, while higher operating pressures lead to shorter flames. The dilution of oxygen by argon reduces the peak temperatures, and the choice of working fluid impacts cooling efficiency and flame dynamics. This study provides valuable information on optimizing the design of supercritical combustion chambers for hydrogen combustion in novel supercritical gas turbine systems.

January 2025

Global Hydrogen Review 2024

The Global Hydrogen Review is an annual publication by the International Energy Agency that tracks hydrogen production and demand worldwide, as well as progress in critical areas such as infrastructure development, trade, policy, regulation, investments and innovation.

October 2024

Towards Common Criteria for Sustainable Fuels

IEA report that explores the feasibility and implications of setting up common criteria to enable fair comparisons of sustainable fuels. It maps commonalities and differences among the standards, regulations and certifications used for sustainable fuels across different regions and markets. It reviews typical carbon intensities and the improvement potential of various fuel production pathways and sets out policy considerations for governments that wish to work toward common criteria for sustainable fuels.

October 2024

Supercritical CO2 Power Technology: Strengths but Challenges

Review paper that aims to provide a broad overview of sCO2 power cycles, highlighting their main advantages and limitations and reflecting the challenges associated with the industrialization of that technology which actually requires disruptive and innovative designs.

May 2024

E-Fuels: A techno-economic assessment of European domestic production and imports towards 2050 – Update

CONCAWE has updated its reference work on techno-environmental (Part 1) and economic (Part 2) analysis of different e-fuels pathways produced in different regions of the world (North, Centre, and South of Europe, as well as Middle East and North Africa) in 2020, 2030 and 2050. The e-fuels pathways included in the scope of this study are: e-hydrogen (liquefied and compressed), e-methane (liquefied and compressed), e-methanol, e-polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers (abbreviated as OME3-5), e-methanol to gasoline, e-methanol to kerosene, e-ammonia, and e-Fischer-Tropsch kerosene/diesel (low temperature reaction). The e-hydrogen is considered a final fuel but also as a feedstock for producing other e-fuels.

April 2024

Development of outlook for the necessary means to build industrial capacity for drop-in advanced biofuels

Publication by the European Commission that aims to investigate and analyze factors contributing to the development of advanced and sustainable biofuels production within the relevant European policy and regulatory framework. Its primary goal is to facilitate the timely market entry of advanced biofuels and endorse technological solutions through reliable findings to achieve the 2030 and 2050 targets. This study takes into account the evolving EU policy context for sustainable alternative fuels, which is undergoing significant revision and forms a core component of both the Fit for 55 package and the REPowerEU plan.

February 2024